Focus on Flora – Crinkle Bush Lomatia silaifolia

by Spencer Shaw
This one of the outstanding shrubs of our region that should be in every garden – ok that would get a bit boring! However outside of the botany community too few people know about this beautiful little shrub.
In appearance it resembles some of the small shrubby grevillea cultivars (and it shares the same Family of Proteaceae). It only grows to about one to one and half metres, and in the forest can be single stemmed but in the open can be bushy to about one metre wide. Its finely divided leaf gives it the other common names of Parsley Bush and Fern-leaved Lomatia. The White flowers can be carried throughout the warmer months and can be up to twenty centimetres in length – which makes for a pretty spectacular flower in our native bushland. The fruit is a dry follicle that opens to reveal numerous winged seeds, covered in a delicate yellow powder.
Lomatia silaifolia is a hardy shrub, which can survive bushfire by reshooting from the stem base and roots. They are probably looking their best in woodlands a few years after a burn as it reduces competition and they can get their chance to shine!
Found throughout East Coast Australia this stunning local native is not necessarily common, but widespread in our local open woodland communities. You might come across them in the Glasshouse Mountains National Parks, Blackall Range Great Walk, Ben Bennett and so many more bushland parks that contain woodland with an open grassy & shrubby understorey.
If you are lucky enough to get one for the garden from your local native plant nursery, just make sure you plant in a well drained position, with plenty of sun.

About the Author
Spencer is a restoration ecologist practitioner and author, based in Maleny, SE QLD. " We are not just the greatest problem facing life on earth, we are the solution to saving biodiversity and life on earth."
  1. Dyane Helin Reply
    Thanks for the info Spencer. We recently found this little gem on our property in Booroobin. I googled grevillea but couldn’t find it so sent photos to Barung who advised what it was. Very excited!! Around the larger plant are quite a few small ones we are planning to dig up and transplant. Any tips besides ‘don’t disturb the roots’? Cheers, Dy
    • Spencer Shaw Reply
      Hi Dy,good weather for transplanting. minimal root disturbance is best, but also might be worth pruning or trimming back the foliage to help reduce transplant shock.

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