
Lantana Clearance, Blackall Range

Date:Feb 22, 2013

This is how Brush Turkey Enterprises Contracting got started, on the lantana clad slopes around Rainforest Remnants on the Blackall Range. It started with little more than a fern hook over 15 years ago, but now we have a range of tools at our fingertips including 21 tonne Excavator/Slashers!


A bush regeneration site less than 12 months after the initial clearing of lantana. Note the luxuriant growth of species such as Bleeding Heart Omalanthus nutans and Poison Peach Trema aspera. Given the proximity to a seed source for these pioneers, bush regeneration can be fast and cost effective.


Pencil Cedar Polyscias murrayi that have sprung up on a site after lantana clearance. These guys wouldn’t have stood a chance under a thick blanket of lantana, but will now grow up to 3 metres a year to quickly dominate and provide shade for this site.


A bush regeneration site approximately 24 months after initial clearance of lantana. A canopy has developed that consists of White Ash Alphitonia petrie, Native Passionfruit Passiflora herbertiana and Native Mulberry Pipturus Argentus