Seasons Wishes …

WELL, HERE we all are at the start of another year (as our calendars tell us) and I’d like to say congratulations to everybody out there doing their bit to restore habitat and ecological connections, on the Hinterland, on the Sunshine Coast and throughout South East Queensland.
First up, thanks to the first Australians, the Traditional owners of this land who shaped the land we now live in, over the millennia to be a land of diversity and wealth. Their song is written in the landscape, a song that we must listen to if we are to join them as true Australians.
Second up, thanks to all the landholders who are revegetating and regenerating the bush on their blocks. It amazes me that you are all willing to spend so much of your own time, energy and capital on restoring, that for which we all benefit – thank you! Your passion is your land and although it could be seen to be an addiction by some – I’ve got the condition too!
Next, thanks to all the small businesses out there that are now making a living restoring habitat, again for which we all benefit. We are fortunate in the Hinterland to have seen a culture of small business habitat restoration develop over the last 20 years. The Sunshine Coast and Hinterland Ecobusinesses lead the way, whether it is in Nest boxes, Wildlife Rescue, Fauna Management and Monitoring, Seed Collection, Consultancy, Education, Nurseries, Revegetation and Regeneration – hopefully you all know who you are, and you are amazing! Congratulations for making ecological restoration your living and taking it to a whole new level!
Then we also have some of the most successful Landcare, Catchment Care and Waterwatch groups who have helped guide millions of volunteer hours and grant funds into ecological restoration works on the Coast and Hinterland. These organisations are a great way for volunteers with a range of skills to come together and make a difference.
Let’s not forget the amazing team who work for the Sunshine Coast Regional Council and deliver the best “Land for Wildlife” Program in SE QLD, “Voluntary Conservation Agreement” Program, Bushland and Conservation Management Programs, community Partnerships etc…etc… We are very lucky on the coast to have such an amazing group of people in the one government organisation.
Last but not least thanks to the amazing Brush Turkey Enterprises team, an amazing group of people, who inspire me and educate me every day, thank you! But let’s not rest on our laurels… there is so much more to be done to stem the critical loss of habitat and ecological connectivity on the Coast and Hinterland. In 2012 we need to be active more than ever to save the amazing ecological diversity that we are all, the present caretakers of.

About the Author
Brush Turkey Enterprises is an award-winning business based in Maleny, on the Sunshine Coast, South East Queensland.

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