
uredo rangelii

The Myrtle Rust Saga Continues…

Myrtle Rust Saga Continues… Back in March’s issue I wrote an article about Myrtle Rust Uredo rangelii, that nasty little fungal pathogen that arrived on the range just over two years ago and wreaked havoc on many of our local rainforest myrtles. We’d just had the longest period
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Myrtle Rust

Well, it’s a year since Myrtle Rust (a fungus that affects plants in the Myrtle or Myrtaceae Family such as Gum Trees, Lillypilly’s, Bottle brushes etc. arrived on the Blackall Range. What have we learnt this time – a) Australia is still vulnerable to the introductio
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Myrtle Rust Strikes the Hinterland

In late 2010 a highly contagious, debilitating and potentially deadly disease spread rapidly across the Blackall Range. Now that I’ve got your attention… and just to reassure you – this is a plant disease. The disease is known as Myrtle Rust (Uredo rangelii) and its
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